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In all investments the 'standard' way to limit risk is to diversify ...

It has been said by many respected people in the industry that development costs for Wii games are 1/2 to 1/4 the cost for similar HD games; and you should also consider that the typical budget for a "Standard" game is probably 1/2 to 1/4 that of a Big Budget game (with low budget games being noticeably less than a standard game). Now this means that for a Standard HD game you can potentially produce a Big Budget Wii game, or a couple Standard Wii games and multiple low budget Wii games; similarly for the cost of one Big Budget HD game you can produce a couple Big Budget Wii games, several standard Wii games, and a lot of low budget Wii games.

To demonstrate what I mean by Big Budget, games like Metal Gear Solid 4 and Grand Theft Auto 4 were rumored to cost in the $60 to $100 Million range to develop whereas a more typical HD game would cost $20 to $40 Million (and a low budget HD game may be in the $5 to $10 Million range); in contrast a $20 to $40 Million Wii project would be a massive project, $5 to $10 Million would be much more typical, and low budget Wii games are probably in the $1 to $2 Million range.