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What i want to say too, is that if you went to a shop right now, in 2018, and that shop gives you the opportunity of take one console of each gen for free and only just one. Let's say, NES vs Master System, in my opinion most people will choose NES. If its SNES against Mega Drive (or Genesis) most people will choose SNES. With PS1 against N64 and Saturn it will be PS1 and with PS2 against GC, DC and XB it will be PS2.

But if you put in that situation Wii against X360 and PS3, right now, in 2018, I won't bet most people will choose Wii. If i could get one of those for free, and just only one i will choose X360 or PS3 always, and don't get me wrong, I like Nintendo, they were the best software company back then (in my opinion they're the best software company ever, despite not being my favorite), but Wii as a console, can not compete at any level near those other consoles for me just because the amount of good games that those consoles had among other things too. In my opinion, the only reason why Wii sold more in the end, was because X360 and PS3 fought against each other for the same kind of consumer so they had to split the benefits. So the moment one won cleary against the other in the next gen, in this case PS4, PS4 became the absolute dominant console each year, and even with the Switch success, PS4 is still the best selling console of the year in its 5th year.

That's what this topic is about. Is about if PS became king again or was it always...., and some people have plenty of reasons to think that PS was always king.