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ckmlb: "Yet the Wii is trouncing the Xbox even with almost no online."

At the risk of going off topic...

It's a good point but I disagree with the premise that the Wii and 360 are competing for the same market share.  Wii is quickly gaining on the 360 install base, and the Wii weekly game sales are near the 360 numbers...


So are the DS sales numbers, but who cares?  DS sales have nothing to do with 360 or PS3 sales.  In most cases a dedicated gamer who gets a DS will probably get a console of some kind too.

 I think many of those Wii sales are also going into houses that already have 360's  (I know several personally).   The Wii, IMHO, is an "and" system, not an "or" system.   Several families I know have a Wii in the playroom for the kids and a 360 in the living room for media and "grown up" games after the kids are asleep.

I think that Nintendo is doing a great job with it, but it's not the same kind of "media center HD gaming system" that the PS3 and 360 are offering.

My 360 can blog!

Gamers have 3 choices this generation: The Exercise Machine, the Movie Machine, or the Game Machine.  What kind of gamer are you?