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Wyrdness said:
HoloDust said:

I think you're too fixated on the idea that BotW is something very special and that "other" games should do exactly the same things that BotW does - you can take quite a lot of games and turn it around, and BotW will not pass that check. However, I'll play along - I find BotW to mostly be a mishmash of FarCry (FC 2 is pinacle of how enviroment reacts, no other FC game after it had it at the level of details FC2 had), and Just Cause - JC is probably king of let's fuck around, with destructable enviroment, great physics, paragliding and zipping to anywhere. These two IPs have been contantly popping into my mind while I was playing BotW.

And yes, for me, BotW indeed boiles down to fucking around, cause rarely any of those mechanisms is actually very usefull, apart for occasional...well, fucking around...which is not bad per se, I like fucking around in JC, it's just not what I want from Zelda.

And no, I don't want old formula, anyone that has ever been in any Zelda thread that I posted in, know what I think of Aonuma and his fixation on puzzles...and yet, I like puzzles, I always have, since all the way back in time, 80s and 90s, when they were quite common in CRPGs and dungeon crawlers. But he unbalanced Zelda so much with them ever since OoT, and now he swung it the other way, forgetiing meaningful puzzles in the process, instead making it about meaningless exploration in largely empty world - because, without fucking around, that what's BotW boils down to, given that there are only 4 beasts you need to go to (and even that is optional) and almost no significant story to follow.

What I would actually want is meaningful world with attention to details, and not the size, built for exploration, both horizontally and vertically (there's down, undergroung, as well, but seems they forgot that in BotW) crossed with "old mold" puzzles. Or if I'm crossbreading games, Twilight Princess mated with, let's say, Dark Souls (if I said Severance: Blade of Darkness no one would understand) all put together in the world that has world building philosophy of Gothic 1/2.

And no easy climbing - the most annoying thing for me in whole BotW, apart from lack of dungeons/shrines, is climbing, given how easy it breaks the world - such skill that Link is showing in BotW should never come at low price, and that should be one of character defining traits, for which he should suffer in other skills - but then we're in proper RPG domain, and I'm talking TES: Daggerfall/Morrowind amount of skills, and I'm not so sure Nintendo wants to push Zelda into full RPG, especially old school RPGs that draw so much from D&D.

I've played those games you're mentioning not one of them does what BOTW does in its execution they're not even close and at most cover only one or two aspects in BOTW, what's ironic is you're saying that he's fixated on something yet in your argument you're clearly fixated on one aspect of BOTW and focus purely on that to try and argue your stance. BOTW's freedom is not just in its sandbox elements it's the only game that literally allows you to play not only the main game but also situations how you want and you know this because you often try to pass that off as a negative like you do in this post when it's far from one, it's not world breaking it's absolute freedom that's the whole point of the design even Aonuma said the world is built as such that's what BOTW brings to open world games it's amazing you can't grasp this, the world is very much meaningful.

Some example are how if someone is struggling with a puzzle they can do a host of different tricks to solve or even bypass it, how all the enemy and boss fights have a number of tactics to deal with them only limited by your own creativity and execution, how if you can't reach a location by normal means you can find an alternative way to get there etc... That is what actual freedom of play is not the limited play as you want claims we hear in other games and it ends up being only 2 options of play with no room for out of the box thinking. Why BOTW does this? Because that's how an actual adventure would play out the adventurer using what's at their disposal to continue going on, the result is BOTW fully plays out like how the player chooses to freely approach the game whether as a story based game, sandbox, speedrun, combat focused etc... it's not just messing around as you put it and even the messing around aspects have practical applications in the game unlike other games.

Yeah, and as I said, BotW does not do things that those game do - and that what fixated on what BotW does as something that other games need to live up to be compared to BotW case you didn't understand it...yet you did just that.

If you refferring to me passing climbing as negative - I do, and always will, at least while it's implemented in this form - that is not freedom, that's is someone in Nintendo being enamoured with freeclimbing. Freedom in playing that way is playing Daggerfall or Morriwind (or D&D) and putting points into climbing/acrobatics and then being able to go to areas that are not available to other builds, or tackle the problem differently due to ability to go around some areas. BotW climbing is piss easy to do, especially with infinite amount of renewable resources that translate into potions, and breaks a game so much that by the time you get to the Hyrule castle you can skip most of it (which I did, wanting to finish the game as soon as possible, since it bored me toward the end that much) - for me, that is just poor design.

Admittedly, I fucked around in BotW for first 10 or so hours - then, when novetly grew old, I never used any of those so praised mechanisms ever again in the game - cause it was such a waste of time with no real purpose - unfortunatelly, I had to climb, cause it's just impossible to skip that at certain points in game. At least Bethesda was so curtious to not require you to play with power armor ever in FO4, with that idiotic choice to give it to you at the beginning of the game.

But to each its own - what many people consider great design, I consider rather poor solution to replace old formula.