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KLAMarine said:
GhaudePhaede010 said:

I just want to add something I forgot a while ago. Kaepernick once secured a plane and 1 million dollars (much of it his own, non-deductable) for relief during the Somali famine. And since he was not exactly trusting of the human rights groups that were, "helping" in Somalia, he organized it himself and put himself in direct risk to be sure the aid got to its desired destination

Could I get a source for this?

GhaudePhaede010 said:

Just saying, this dude is pretty much one of the best people on the planet and one of the better examples of what it means to be an American. You Americans should be proud of this man, not trying to slander his words and intentions at every waking opportunity.

As a philanthropist, he seems an outstanding person. As an orator, he's disappointing. Somewhat troubling...

At around 3:25, he refers to Stephon Clark's shooting as a lynching. Clark was not lynched, he was shot... He mentions "Lawful lynchings" earlier at around 2:03 but as far as I know, I know nothing of any lynchings by police...

Also, he makes constant references to "black and brown" victims of police brutality... No love for white victims? They're the most numerous!.. Per the Washington Post.


I do not understand why you would not google, "Colin Kaepernick Somalia" instead of asking me for a source. But, whatever.


Also, you left out that he specifically demands accountability for those police officers that unjustly murder black and brown people He may not be up to date on white people being murdered, the percentages, or the facts surrounding your claim but he is invested in the current events which he has seen play out. Even if you think he should include white people, he is not obligated to do so. His position is not less valid because you want him to include some other group. He can go out and be a social justice warrior for any group he feels deserves his attention. It is up to you to go out and advocate for the groups you deem worthy of your effort and energy. It is a specious way of thinking about things to say, "other people are affected and he seems to not include them" when he can only speak on and advocate from what he knows. An attempt to slander a man that has done so much good is rather weak, especially coming from you right now. He should be recognized as trying to help move the country to a better place and instead, you give me semantic reasoning to hold him back.

Last edited by GhaudePhaede010 - on 25 September 2018

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