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Kasz216 said:
Brainslug said:
sc94597 said:
Rock_on_2008 said:
Brainslug said:
I lost a fuck-ton of faith in the final fantasy series with Final Fantasy XII


FF XII is one of the best FF games. Reviews of FF XII were impressive = AAA game.


Did you even play the game? It was mostly hated by Final Fantasy fans, everybody else liked it. I hated it though, becuse I thought the final fantasy series was fine turn based, and shouldn't have went real time.


Yeah, no kidding - Nothing against the game itself, it was gorgeous and I'm sure fans of multiplayer online games probably loved it.

But it was NO headlining Final Fantasy - it should have been given a "Final Fantasy Tactics Spinoff" type of title. Square probably just felt that it would sell more if they called it "Final Fantasy XII", Even though it didn't deserve the title.




Yeah... i can agree with that. I mean when you so rapidly change the gameplay... and it's set in a different world from all the other final Fantasy games... what even makes it a Final Fantasy game anymore?



Exactly, Final Fantasy XI wasn't a Final Fantasy either. I wonder what would have been so wrong with just calling it "Final Fantasy Online" ?