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Wyrdness said:
irstupid said:

As above person said, they are not mutually exclusive.

Imagine Breath fo the Wild game exactly how it is, but add on say four huge classic dungeons. Think of like the DLC where you got upgrades to the champions powers. Have the dungeons give you something like that. Or an outfit, or make the champions weapons unbreakable. Or instead of bringing parts to upgrade the slate, the slate is upgraded in dungeons.

Something that brings in the classic awesome puzzle solving huge dungeon, yet doesn't take away from the world openness and freedom to do anything as soon as you get the glider. 

Except classic puzzles are already in BOTW with out large dungeons, you know why big dungeons were dropped? Because they were tediously long segments that if a particular dungeon wasn't enjoyable you had to grind through it and the same would happen in an open world game if a player wanted to play through the story this is why they were cut down to simple concepts and shrines were added for puzzle solving as it made things more streamline and stuck to the concept of being easier to jump in and out of them when the player wants, this worked for the better.

If anything the next game should focus on making the world more intricate so the world itself is more interesting with out the need for dungeons like you see in some other games thus opening up the series to more options of approach for the adventure's structure for example I'd rather a scenario you go to a village and hear about something terrorising the area prompting you to track it down based on clues and what not SOTC style. As you close in on its domain the area of the world it's in things become more hazardous until you come to an area an realise the creature is afflicted by the same dark influence you need to deal with initiating a boss fight in the open world similar to the likes of the secret boss in the mountains in BOTW.

Such a scenario to me is more engaging than go to point a enter and clear dungeon, Zelda is missing such scenarios like these despite them being in other games because some people are fixated on dungeons being a pivotal part of the games when in fact they should be scaling back on them even more and implement more inventive scenarios like the example to give the games and their worlds a far more varied system of progression that makes the world in the games even more involving on top of the sandbox elements.

Did you miss the entire OPTIONAL part.

The giant dungeons would not be needed at all. You could skip them. 

Think of them like the Optional Tomb's in the new Tomb Raider games. 

There for people that like them, optional for those that are too dumb to figure them out or don't wnat to do them.