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Wyrdness said:
RolStoppable said:
The next 3D Zelda needs dungeons. BotW had only one.

Dungeons provide purpose. There's only so much time until people realize that there's no point in exploring when it doesn't amount to something.

No lets not go back to being dungeon centric moving away from that was the best decision they made, BOTW is a sandbox game much like GTA so players mess around and make their own fun with the things they can do in the game that's the whole point of the open world not just exploring. More mechanics to play around with would be better than running back to the dungeon approach.

As above person said, they are not mutually exclusive.

Imagine Breath fo the Wild game exactly how it is, but add on say four huge classic dungeons. Think of like the DLC where you got upgrades to the champions powers. Have the dungeons give you something like that. Or an outfit, or make the champions weapons unbreakable. Or instead of bringing parts to upgrade the slate, the slate is upgraded in dungeons.

Something that brings in the classic awesome puzzle solving huge dungeon, yet doesn't take away from the world openness and freedom to do anything as soon as you get the glider.