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SpokenTruth said:
MrWayne said:

Note, when I say free I mean free like on Steam and XBox. Cloud saves aren't literally free on Steam because you have to buy a Steam game in order to use them, basically the price for Cloud saves is included in the game price.

Apart from that, your summary is pretty correct. The business model of a company is completely irrelevant for the consumer. Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft and Steam compete in the same market and offer me the same service (online service with cloud save funktuality).

Imagine two companies, comp A and comp B, offer you two very similar products but the product of comp A is 2 times as costly as comp B's product. maybe comp A's product costs more because their production is less efficient but that doesn't matter comp B's product has still the better value for the consumers.

They are free on Steam to you because advertising pays for it....not because it's tacked into the game price.  Same reason Google is free, Facebook is free, etc....the cost is paid indirectly.  Sony and Nintendo do not use advertising as a business model.  And I imagine you'd raise a stink if they did.

So again, you are asking for a service for free.  If you want cloud saves, pay the $1.67 per month for the online service.  Or $5 per month for Sony's.

Can you specify which advertising you mean exactly? The only advertisement I can think of outside of the shop itself is the window that pops up when you log in to Steam after starting the PC.