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rocketpig said:
--OkeyDokey-- said:
rocketpig said:
--OkeyDokey-- said:
Forza is the bottom of the barrel when it comes to racing games.

GT>Mario Kart>Project Gotham>GRID>DiRT>Midnight Club>Need for Speed>Action Girlz Racing>Forza.

Forza 3 won't even sell as much as GT5 prologue.

On this forum, I've heard lines of shit and then I've really heard lines of shit.

Forza does a ton of stuff right. So does GT. They both have their pluses and they both fail on one level or another.

But calling Forza "bottom of the barrel"? Laughable.



You have to have to understand though, I've been partial to the GT franchise ever since the original Ps1 game sparked what has turned into my complete obsession with cars.

Kazunori Yamuachi is a man with a true passion for cars and it shows in his games. The bums behind Forza on the other hand, are just a bunch of guys trying their best (god bless 'em) but failing miserably to capture that magic.

So you see, Forza can never be anything but garbage in my eyes.

See, I love cars. I also love video games. The first simulator I ever played was GT. It was great. As was GT2.

GT3 started to get a little old... Then I played Forza. Wow, look at all the changes and options! It was a miracle!

Then Forza 2 released... If you're a true car fan, you don't align yourself with one stupid videogame and stick by it no matter what. There are other options.

I just try to play the games that deliver the best experience to me, that's all. As it stands right now, GT5 has a lot to live up to compared to Forza 2. The online alone is a huge hurdle for Sony to get over.

If they do it, great. But even the most casual car fan has realized that GT was passed and left in the dust quite some time ago. They have a lot ground to gain and it looks like they're on the right path but until I actually play the game, I'll keep enjoying the time I had with Forza 2.


Aaaah, you'll never get it.
See, you want things like damage and online and voice chat. I don't give a tiny rats ass about any of that.

It's all about the car porn for me. The fact that I can drive and tune insane one-off concept cars, cars that are nearly 100 years old, classics that I used to dream about when I was a kid and even my own car in GT4 is what makes it really special to me.

There's no point in arguing this. Forza just isn't on anywhere near the same level as GT and by the looks of the replies in this thread, that seems to be the general consensus.