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Cerebralbore101 said:
Chazore said:

An X1 player is fine to add their BC games to their roster because they have been made available for playing on that system. I don't really see the need to tie down PC to console's generational rule though as it doesn't make any sense since both platforms are different in how they operate.

What Pem said is true though, physical games are DRM, since you cannot take a PS4 game and load it onto a PC, Switch and X1. The consoles themselves are the DRM, as well as their built in storefronts. You also have games that contain built in stores to buy MT's or content like UPlay does with Uplay points, and you cannot spend those Uplay points anywhere else but on UPlay and Ubisoft owned games. 

Windows itself isn't a form of actual malicious spyware. You have agreements that you can either agree or disagree with when it comes to Windows 10, just like Windows 7 had when it launched all those years ago. You have these same kind of agreements for multiple games and what not, and have done for years. IF data collection is a worrisome thing that everyone should objectively worry about, then look no further with how all the big publishers collect gamer data on what they'#ve played, how long they've played it for and what activities they've taken part in within each game. 

I can do 4k 30fps fine on my build, but I do not see the point in going for 4k when the games that come out do not sport higher resolution textures/shadows, which is why I aim for 2k, which is a sharper res that 1080p, while also allowing myself to choose higher settings and going above 60fps for the games I play. THe previous points mentioned put 1440p 3 to 1 for 4k.

Even then, the current gen systems have had to resort to checkerboard 4k, rather than pulling a fat full native 4k and trying to aim for 60fps, instead they rely on a fake 4k while having to try keeping games at 30fps and turning down settings. I'd rather have the middle ground where I get a halfway good sharper image, while also having good high end settings and maintaining or going above 60fps, rather than going for just one option and doing away with settings/performance. 


So you accept the backwards compatibility argument for saying that XB1 has a better library than PS4? The vast majority of people would find that argument to be little more than laughable spin. 

Lol that's not what DRM is. Not unless you want to use Wikipedia's definition. Even PCMag disagrees with you. :D

None of my games use built in storefronts, or ask for MT. And I own something like 90% of all the quality PS4 games that exist. 

Everytime windows does an update, they turn all the spyware options back on. There's a huge difference between tracking what games you play (which anyone can see unless you set your username to private), and tracking everything you do on your computer. 

I don't care about your graphics preferences. So long as you understand that a $1000 PC will not run current gen games at 4K. Whatever you are playing at 4K, must be something that isn't graphically intensive at all, if your 1K rig can do it. 

Have to agree with this wholeheartedly. Jesus I'd be so pissed with Sony if instead of providing me with top quality exclusive one after the other, they were giving me backwards compatibility to6ps1, ps2 and ps3 games. For a nostalgia buzz it's cool for a few mins then i don't play them again. If bc actually made the library better xbox would actually be selling well and playstation wouldn't. Consumers are voting with their wallets and that's voting for quality new blockbuster games not bc which is a nice little bonus to have but nothing more.