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shikamaru317 said:

You're definitely right about PS4 OS, they have left it by the wayside. The latest numbered update, 6.0, only had stability improvements, no new features at all. The latest OS update I got on my XB1 added the new avatar system. And we can't forget all of the features that XB1's OS has already that PS4 lacks, achievement tracker, playtime tracker, etc. 

I also agree that Gamepass is a ridiculously good value compared to Sony's comparable streaming service, not only does it cost less, it offers local games instead of laggy cloud games, and it has all 1st party games day 1.

It definitely feels like Sony is getting lazy and overconfident again, just like they did when they let PS2's success go to their head. I worry that they are going to pull a PS3 again when they announce PS5, no crossplay, no backwards compatibility, poor price/performance ratio, a cocky attitude...

It might be a good thing to only have stability updates, as adding features might make the current issue even worse. Although it seems like many people are not worried about the OS experience at the moment. I think the focus for the OS should be ease of use, core functionality, speed, and stability. Once they have that down then they can start looking at expanding the feature set and getting it on par with Xbox/PC. I wouldn't even mind if they targeted all the new functionality for PS5 as long as they get it right.

With regards to Gamepass though, I dont think that will work in Sony's case. They have so many more exclusives, with higher budgets etc. having game pass might literally give them a big loss. MS on the other hand, is way behind on marketshare, with a lower investment in their first party lineup at this point, so it makes sense for them. Personally I wont knock Sony for the lack of Gamepass, id prefer a more extensive lineup than a weaker but cheaper lineup.

I dont think Sony has gotten that bad yet, and I dont see them making big mistakes with the PS5 lunch. But what i do think they need to realize is that they cant simply keep things as is, and expect to dominate. MS, Nintendo and other competitors will be constantly adding features, and innovating to try and compete, which Sony needs to do as well to stay relevant.


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