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Kerotan said:

I'm entitled to disagree with his decision. So if trump does something and people disagree are they part of a cult? Ridiculous. 


@chazore OK so all the big bad ps users on here are putting him down.


"The only ones who are accepting OP's opinion are those who do not have PS4 as their only or main platform of choice."


Is that any different to this? 


"The OP stated their decision to switch platforms and now all the PS users are coming out with reasons to put down"


Two sides of the same coin imo but for some reason you think one side is OK but not the other. 

Yeah totally, you want to paint on that canvas, go right ahead, but you're the one with the brush and the paint.

yes actually. One person is pointing out a fact, that yes, there are PS users within this very thread taking jabs at the platform as well as OP's decision. No amount of heavy low gravity spin is going to change that.

Not even the same coin mate. You've played that game before so I wouldn't even try justifying it. 

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"