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John2290 said:
Pyro as Bill said:

''Muslims bring racism to other minorities especially black people''

''migrants in Europe should return to there countries as soon as it's feasble''

John. Fuck off.

And its true, I've seen it first hand and yes, Refugees and migrants among them either need to start contributing and building a home here or return to there country as soon as it's feasble and safe. It's not much to ask to contribute or at least respect the culture of the country that is sheltering you and providing welfare. 

Thank you for getting back on topic but no, it has nothing to do with race and Islam is a religion, not a race. I'm not going to get into this any further with you anyway as I said in reply to your first comment when you prefaced Jews with "the", its clear you are either here to bait or have bias on one particular side. 

Refugees aren't allowed to work.

How can muslims be bringing racism towards black people if they're not a race? Make your mind up.

Threads like these (islam/migration/refugees/some cunt from the witcher) are all about race/culture. Have the conversation you want to have instead of pissing about. My point is that we likely wouldn't be having this conversation if the economy was working the way it should (you'd be too busy making millions).

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