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If they fixed it they would have said "the problem was 'X' and we have done "Y" to resolve it in addition to this we will now extend the warrenty to 3 years to give you peace of mind"

Instead extending a 3 year warrenty on a shitty product only tells me im going to be sending it in for 3 years and they want me to not care because im not paying for it.

I want blue dragon, eternal sonata, lost oddysey but until i get confirmation on what the problem is and how it was fixed im not about to send my xbox to texas twice a year for 6 years.

This is exactly why i sold my 360 the first time, after being talked to liek a 3 year old if my 360 had enough ventilation like it was my fault from some 22 year old tech bozo who doesnt know squat, i had enough of microsoft acting condescendly as if this wasnt their fault whne it clearly is.

Too little too late IMO, fix the freaing problem,  its like a little kid that picks his nose every day and wipes it in the sofa cushions, eventually youre going to flip those cushions over to use the other sides and BAM!! problem was not solved booger colonies galore.