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Machiavellian said:
KLAMarine said:

Some things to consider:

Naomi Osaka is Japanese, people who can have different shades of skin color.

In the cartoon, it's not Serena's opponent asking the judge to let Serena win, it's the judge asking the opponent to let Serena win.

If the two players were meant to be compared, I would have placed them side by side. Clearly, they were not so perhaps the illustration is not inviting you to compare them.

Naomi has been seen sporting blonde hair. Don't worry though, I don't think anyone has accused her of cultural appropriation.


>Well I suggest Kaepernick do more talking and less kneeling otherwise some will still think he is out to disrespect the troops.

Actually I suggest Kap keep doing exactly what he is doing.  We all can analize what we believe is the correct route but only history will tell us if it's successful.  I have no clue if his course is correct, right or wrong, what I do know is he is exercising his rights as an American.  I am sure plenty of people during Dr King days told him that he should do his protest this way or that but he did it his way.  If you read his letter you would have noticed that line there as well.  While a protest is happening everyone has an opinion but very few actually have the will to carry it out.  I put more faith in him actually doing than talking.  

Naomi is Japanese and black, you do know that right. Do you think she has that skin tone because she is very tanned.  So if this artist can portray Serena this way, he cannot take the time to at least give some ethnic look to Naomi. Give me a break.  If anything when you look at the 2 pictures their skin tone is pretty close to each other.

You do know that it doesn't matter how you would do something right.  It get this same feeling when you discuss how Kap should protest.  You view it how you would do it more than how it should be done. It seems to be a theme with how you look at life.  You look at everything with how you were born or raise and how you walk this earth forgetting everyone path is not the same or different.

"Actually I suggest Kap keep doing exactly what he is doing."

>I'll agree if he has stopped with the kneeling.

"Naomi is Japanese and black, you do know that right."

>This is news to me. I saw the last name Osaka and the Japanese flag, I assumed Japanese. I saw her, I assumed a tan. The artist might have done that too...

"You view it how you would do it more than how it should be done."

>But the way I would do it and the way it should be done are the same thing. The way I would do it is the way it should be done. The way it should be done is the way I would do it.

Last edited by KLAMarine - on 14 September 2018