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Erik Aston said: Viper said: He wasn't forced to apologize for not liking the system, he was forced to apologize for acting like a complete and total immature moron. The funny thing is, before he apologized, Wii-haters were trying to talk up how this guy is a "respected designer" etc. Well, he's not anymore. He's now the "the guy who called the Wii a piece of shit," which isn't going to help him much when the Wii does dominate.
Indeed, like I said earlier, this guy is a tool. His masters told him to talk down the Wii, so he did. When it backfired, they told him to apologize, so he did. That's all. Wii has the most mindshare among consumers now. Any company watching its bottom line would be a fool to ignore it. EA was fooling themselves that a large scale backlash on the Wii is due. They tried to trigger it so that they can just go back to focusing on 2 consoles. But with Sony to pad the bottom in terms of consumer perception, Nintendo backlash will have to wait a long long time