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So for now confirmed games:

-Yoshi's Crafted World
-Daemon X Machina
-Fire Emblem: Three Houses
-Luigi's Mansion 3
-Animal Crossing
-Pokemon Gen 8
-Bayonetta 3 and Metroid Prime 4 are not confirmed but they are potential 2019. games

Dont forget we are in September 2018. so we will have 2019. announcements at least in next 9 months (at least until E3 2019.),
so I expect at least few more 1st party games, few more Wii U ports, some 3rd party exclusive and more 3rd party multipaltform games than we had this year similar to Crash Bandicoot, Fortnite, Doom Eternal, Dark Souls, Diablo 3, CiV6, FF games..

Switch 2019. will be insane. :D