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JWeinCom said:

To qualify as an atheist would have to require more than simply lacking a belief in god.  I just ordered a sandwich.  Is the sandwich an atheist? I'm sure we'd agree that the sandwich completely lacked any belief in god.

Sure. However... A Sandwich is an inanimate object, you are conflating the issue now to be something it's not.

A Theist is someone who has strong beliefs in a particular something, I.E. God.
An Atheist is someone who lacks belief in that same something. I.E. God.

Ergo... Everyone that isn't a Theist is essentially an Atheist. That means a new born baby is an Atheist, it is the default position.
Doesn't matter if they lack the cognitive capability to think along those lines either... Because I have worked and looked after allot of people with debilitating disabilities who would never be capable of grasping Theistic principles, they still fall under the Atheist descriptor.

Squall_Leonhart said:
No I don't because I thankfully was not brainwashed as a child!

When I was younger, I was forced to go to the Church every week, was even baptized, probably did that for a good 10+ years.
So it's not my first Rodeo.

Thankfully, I was always more interested in Science and Technology, you know... Concepts with tangible evidence so the Theistic view point never really stuck.
But it does allow me to debate about the topic in a much more comprehensive manner as I have been on both sides of the fence, so that's a plus.

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