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*bleu-ocelot* said:
I think you people who put FF7 on their list are CRAZY.Even if you think it doesn't deserve it's praise,it still is better than your average Jrpg.You all act like it's the worst rpg ever to exsist./Rant

It gets bonus points for wrecking one of the stalwarts of the RPG community. When a series is going great.... and then suddenly takes a step back in every direction... then falls off the map quality wise. The first game of decline is going to get hated on a bit more.

Also i actually would rate it alone below average as far as JRPGs go.

I'd rather be playing dissed games such as Suikoden 4, Wild Arms 3, 7th Saga, EVO: Search for Eden and Robotrek.

I've owned FF7 3 times too... so i know what i'm talking about, it's not like I played it for 5 minutes and gave up. Heck it's why i got the playstation.

It's about dead even with Chrono Cross on my RPG list. Both games had the same problems actually...

-Plot that took too long to develop, but then threw everything at you at the last second.

-That plot didn't end up making any sense either (worse in chrono cross as it didn't understand time travel correctly and really overreached to draw a connection to the game.... and just really reached in general.)

-Characters dull, lifeless, underdeveloped.

- Combat taking a step backwords. (Though at least Chrono Cross tried something new instead of just making the old system worse.

eh i'll stop there... It's to late to get fully into it.

Still both were better then Final Fantasy 2. Which could of been amazing and changed every JRPG after it... but they didn't playtest the leveling enough.... there was one main difference between Chrono Cross and FF7 though.  One had a MASSIVE marketing budget.