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Pemalite said:
Jumpin said:
I believe in the god Athein, he my believes in natural things like science, technology, heterosexuality, flat earth (come on! you expect me to believe that your attracted to the center of a giant sphere rather than down?), that evolution and climate science are a government scam to take away our guns and jobs, and that masturbation is the reason for failure #NoJack #NoFlap - because not pounding off will make you feel great and sacred. As worshippers of Athein the Great, our religion of Atheism is one of the fastest growing in the world, Atheists are popping up all over the UK, and our brains are much more bigger than the brains of other people who don’t believe in science like we do.
And don’t say I am not an expert in science or I claim No True Scotsman fallacy.

Amusing... But not exactly a constructive addition to the thread.

Shaqazooloo0 said:


I mean... I don't think it's gonna happen, but I think it's a possibility. 

I'm honestly not sure why you phrased it as if I'm crazy for thinking we could discover new things...?

I could have probably phrased it a little better.
But with 1.5~ Billion Muslims, 2.10~ Billion Christians, 15~ millions Jewish today looking for an answer to whether their Middle-Eastern, Abrahamic God exists... And we have nothing. Nada. Nil. Zilch.

That's not to say that their God couldn't exist... It's just, how many more millennia are we going to allow them to find an answer whilst a large portion of Theists deny basic scientific facts like Evolution, Big Bang, Natural Selection and so on?

Zoombael said:

Everybody is born a blank. Any kind of "indoctrination" comes afterwards. That includes Atheism.

Now you are almost catching on.
However... Atheism isn't a belief, it is the default position.

It's neither a belief nor disbelief in God.

Zoombael said:

Science doesn't exclude god. I'm not sure how it is suppose to do that. We can't detect if there is or isnt life on the other side of the Milkyway, but capable of detecting something that supposedly lies beyond our perception?

Science doesn't include God either.
Whether there is life on other planets neither proves or disproves that a God exists.

To the first quote: Atheism in the widest (and seldomly used) sense, but that isnt the position the atheists participating in this debate are representing, or is it? You want it to be looked at as the natural, unaltered, untainted state of mind, therefore superior to any kind of god-belief. That is why wrote: everything is "indoctrinated", and this does include your kind of atheism.


Nevertheless, even in the widest sence i dont deem Atheism the same as a "blank slate".


Secondly: You completely missed the point. Exclude in the sense of having eliminated the possibility of existence of "divine power". Followed by an example of how incapable we actually still are... not being to figure out if there is life on the other side of Milkyway... or the moon Europa... 

Last edited by Zoombael - on 11 September 2018

Hunting Season is done...