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Well God of War and Spider Man, going by the Digital Foundry analysis, were actualy upgraded. Also the whole downgrade stuff is dumb, E3 demos are vertical slices, the final product will be different from it 100% fo the time.

PwerlvlAmy said: 

Because its a factual statement. Sony isn't a saint, they downgraded just as much as every other company. Doesn't mean the games are bad, it just means they're just like everyone else in this regard,no better nor worse.

Except they didnt on God of War and Spidy, the final product had better graphics. Im not sure baout the others. Also Sony is not the one controlling this, the studios are all under the same umbrela but they are independent, there isnt a corporate decision to downgrade or upgrade graphics after E3 demos.

Last edited by DakonBlackblade - on 10 September 2018