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HappySqurriel said:

The entire business model of most console and PC hardware manufacturers, as well as the business model of most third party publishers is centered around the need for newer "better" graphics to sell their products ... Those that refuse to see the merit in a product like the Wii are rapidly going to go out of business because they can not see outside of the tiny mental-box they've trapped themself in.

Consoles have a major advantage because they can more easily switch everything up (new user interfaces, VR-Goggles, etc.) in order to continue growing the industry when processing power alone can not do it; by having a standard set-up for all users developers can more readily take advantage of the new-ness of a console and create something meaningfull.


 Actually I would doubt the fact that Sony or MSFT business is centered around the need to upgrade to better/newer consoles seeing how they sell hardware at a loss and only make profit on software.

It's in their interest that consoles lifetime increases so that they have to develop a new gen less often....

The only company that makes a profit our of selling consoles is Nintendo.. So weirdly once they have saturated the market in a few years, they will be the one that will benefit the most from switching to the next gen financially..


 PS : and please spare us the 'developers that don't start developing for the Wii are doom crap..' There's plenty of developers out there not doing it and doing pretty well right now...

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !