So I recently got Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate and there have been issues with frames ... I don't know if it's frame rate or frame pacing (I think it is both), but in hubs or at completely random times (like drinking a potion) it will all the sudden dip. It's surprisingly noticeable, even though I think it's only a few frames.
What's weird is that Digital Foundry did a video on the Switch version a YEAR ago and found it had no issues in this regard. I even have it installed on an SD Card, which I don't think helps, but I've heard it's the most efficient way to play Switch games. I honestly do not understand what it is up with that ... it never happens during moments of intense gameplay oddly enough, but it's still annoying nonetheless. It's happened a couple of times in the span of a few hours.
One thing is clear, this isn't the Switch's fault. Fuck Capcom.