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Friday news, part two:

Rainbow Six Siege director talks combat style for new operators Clash and Maverick
Rainbow Six Siege's latest defender is a Scotland Yard officer named Clash. She's also a total badass that hulks around a near impenetrable electro-charged shield. After sampling the new operator at the squad shooter's Paris Major last month, I suggest to game director Leroy Athanassoff that Clash's safeguard might make her a good pick for cautious newcomers.

>>And he also talked about Castle and Thatcher balance reworks.


Pillars of Eternity 2 DLC Seeker, Slayer, Survivor will be out on September 25
Seeker, Slayer, Survivor, the second major DLC release for Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire, will be out on September 25, Obsidian announced today. The expansion will present players with challenges based on three distinct "pillars of combat": As the Seeker, who must find unique solutions to take down enemies; the Slayer, who will take on "truly fearsome creatures"; and the Survivor, who must lead their party in a stand against multiple waves of enemies.


The Inner Friend is a first-person horror game about childhood fears
Memories of childhood are, ideally, pleasant things: Recollections of a happy, innocent time, when responsibilities were someone else's problem. But not always. Childhood is also a time of life filled with fears and traumas that can leave lasting imprints on the subconscious mind. That, very generally, is the setting for The Inner Friend, a strange first-person horror game that debuted today on Steam.


The mechs of Scythe: Digital Edition stomp out of Early Access
The digital port of mechs and economics 4x Scythe is now out of Steam Early Access and into a proper release. The full version of the game has a number of improvements, including a Hard difficulty setting for the game’s AI. We took a look at the game on its early access launch and called it slick and sharp—it’s a distillation of the 4x that many strategy fans are going to enjoy.


Wildstar, and developer Carbine Studios, are shutting down
Carbine Studios, the maker of the free-to-play sci-fi MMO Wildstar, is being shut down. The closure, reported by Kotaku, will also bring about the end of Wildstar itself.
"Today, we are closing Carbine Studios and will begin the process of winding WildStar down to ultimately shutter the game,” Wildstar parent NCsoft said in a statement.


PUBG adds training mode, MK47 Mutant rifle, Tukshai vehicle in hefty update
As promised at Gamescom, PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds' training mode has arrived. Courtesy of its substantial PC 1.0 Update #21, the latest offering also brings a new weapon and a new vehicle—the MK47 Mutant and the Tukshai.

>>And they've also revealed the new event mode.


Time to check the weekend deals from GOG and Steam:


  • Not much to say. GOG is running the Back to School sale that's going to finish soon, so you better don't waste more time



That's all, folks. Have a happy and gaming weekend.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.