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Closing Comments
It would be nice to get another mature Tactics game like the original, but A2 won me over quickly with its beautiful visuals and deep, strategic gameplay. This is one of those desert island games you'd want with you if you were stranded with nothing to do. Four hundred quests, lots of customization options, and some of the best turn-based strategy around will keep you playing for a long time.

IGN Ratings for Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift (DS)
Rating Description
out of 10 click here for ratings guide
10 Presentation
One of the best Japanese to English translations we've seen. The dialogue is well-written, the music is great -- everything has that classic Square Enix polish.
9.0 Graphics
This is a beautiful DS game. The sprites don't come with a lot of animation, but there are lots of flashy special effects and other eye candy. The world of Ivalice has been lovingly crafted.
9.0 Sound
Memorable, epic adventure tunes, with just a hint of electronica.
9.0 Gameplay
It doesn't break any new ground, but the strategy gameplay on offer is rock solid. You'll be hard-pressed to find a deeper game on the DS.
9.0 Lasting Appeal
There's a really impressive amount of content here, and many ways to play the game. 400 quests and loads of customization will keep you playing until the Chocobos come home.

(out of 10 / not an average)


I wonder why there isn't any Editors' Choice Award...