Megiddo said: Nintendo Labo Vehicle Kit, releasing in less than 2 weeks on the 14th, is currently at rank #148 on Amazon JP and rank #205 on Amazon US. Any thoughts? I have no idea why Nintendo pushed for this quick launch personally. Releasing kits 3 and 4 simultaneously closer to the holidays would have made so much more sense to me since they could have advertised them together. |
I think people need to save thoughts after Holiday season and when we actually see how they performed during holiday season. From start it was obvoius they were aimed for kids/parents and that means they will sell best during holiday season. But in any case Nintendo definitely overestimating Labo effect and sales, I think they thought Labo will have stronger sales and stronger effect on Switch itself, saying that Labo will and probably already has solid profit and some effect on Switch sales during holiday season, at end it's quite low investment with strong profit margin.