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Here's a thought experiment: Try to argue in favour of God without assuming anyone knows what God is. Pretend there is no religion, no christianity, and no pre-conceived notions about the existence of a God. Try to go from what we know to God (like seven degrees of Kevin Bacon) without filling in any blanks of your own volition. Nothing you say can be based on assumption but based only on the science or the logical progression of things.

The closest you could ever possibly get is that there might potentially be a force out there greater than our comprehension. At most a vague possibility. I guarantee you'd not suddenly recreate christianity without manually filling in the blanks with conjecture.

The only way you can disprove religion as a whole is to remove it entirely from society. If you destroyed civilization and made us start from scratch, Science would always end up exactly where it is, eventually. No religion would be the same. That's why there are so many variants on the same idea from different regions. That's why we don't follow the Norse gods or the Greek gods of old.

So I'd love to see someone's train of thought from the information we have available to us now that would invariably lead to a sentient, omnipresent, omnipotent, benevolent god. You literally cannot do it without making shit up along the way, and that's why I don't believe in God as anything more than a metaphor for the unknown. God is, for the internet meme-culture, the ???? phase in Step 1, Step 2, ????, profit!