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outlawauron said:
LuccaCardoso1 said:

Oh, morality can only come from a god? That's not true at all. Take some things into consideration:

1. Morality is not exclusive to humans. Read this article. Other primates were shown to also have a sense of morality, and we don't see them reading the bible or praying, do we? Primates have morality because it helps to reproduce and move on your genes when you don't go around killing everyone from your group. Sharing food makes it more probable that more members of your group will survive, trying to save a member of your group (and saving it) will make it more likely that you can pass on your genes. Moral genes were passed on because it helps the species survive.

2. Morality is subjective. If morality really did come from a god, everyone would have the same morality, right? So how do you explain slavery being a moral thing until a few centuries ago? How do you explain possession of women being moral until a few decades ago (and still being moral in some cultures)?

What does your first point have to do with anything? If someone believes that God created humans, then they almost certainly believe the same about animals. That said, moral animals is a laughably weak response.

That was to show that morality didn't simply appear out of nowhere in humans as if a god gave a bundle of rules to follow, but it actually evolved. Morality is good for survival, therefore good for spreading genes. (And also to answer people who think humans are the only moral animals)