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Alby_da_Wolf said:

I can still believe in some God and in some Catholic values, but I can't any longer believe in all the stuff religions put on top of this possible God. I can believe that even a good God, giving us freedom, opens the door to bad things to happen too, I definitely can't believe anymore in a God that gives priests (in a broad sense, clergy of any religion) the monopoly of management of relationships between deity and creatures, and I can't believe anymore in a God wanting people to inflict sacrifices and penances on themselvs, I can believein a God appreciating personal sacrifices in favour of others, but not in a God that wants sacrifices for their own sake. I can't believe in a God that wants holy wars, religious tribunals, sex discrimination and religious discrimination, if such God existed, it would be an evil one, not a good one.

couldn't have said it any better

Catholic (or any Christian subdivision) is not a faith in the priests, it is faith in Jesus, love, compassion, fairness, honesty, hope and light

no Christian script asked for faith in anyone who pretends to serve god or any holy war or any discrimination, Christians are supposed to help every single human being in need regardless

don't mind my username, that was more than 10 years ago, I'm a different person now, amazing how people change ^_^