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Peh said:
dark_gh0st_b0y said:

the word 'believe' would be rather pointless if there was proof that he existed, it would have been a matter of 'obeying' in that case

life on earth is a miracle on its own, let alone the expansion of the universe and the coincidental conditions and chemical reactions that led to living organisms evolving to us, the only being with proper ''logic'' that can bypass natural instincts

statistically speaking, the chances of the events, chemical reactions (how and why was the first dna strand formed? on absolute luck?) and conditions that led to our existence happening randomly are too low to be calculated, there could be a higher 'god' intelligence in another dimension who designed all this, just like a black hole bypasses the being of time and space for which we have no other clue, the possibilities are endless

there may not be proof, but nothing can be completely rejected either, even from a scientific perspective

I wouldn't call it a miracle or luck. It's rather unavoidable. We are certainly not the only planet who managed to grow life on it  Even it if were one planet per galaxy whereas a galaxy has billions of solar systems. And our universe has how many millions or billions of galaxies? Not to mention that we found dozens of planets in our own galaxy which are fit for life.

this is an interesting topic! miracle or luck is always up to one's perception, I don't see how life on other planets can dismiss the existence of an upper intelligence deity in another dimension that caused the big bang and administrated the events that led to life on multiple planets

our knowledge is very limited on the matter, there is definitely life on other planets but does it even go beyond cells? many, many conditional circumstances must be met in order for life to exist, develop organs and evolve, even more when it comes to developing an organism that goes beyond the ''unavoidable'' in a sense that it possess a spirit and free will, one whose actions are not pre-set

Christian scripts support that both animals and human possess a spirit, but free will has only been given to the human by god, the only thing (along with the spirit) that does not recycle, but goes on to exist forever in another dimension, along with its memories

but like I said before, people give to much focus on connecting religion and science, religion is about having a healthy spirit and therefore a better life, if those teachings really make one feel healthy, then there's nothing else to prove

don't mind my username, that was more than 10 years ago, I'm a different person now, amazing how people change ^_^