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OdinHades said:
I loved Shenmue when it came out. The magic about it was that it tried new things and that it looked friggin' amazing at the time. Seriously, it was a miracle to me how a game could look that good!

Today it doesn't look too hot anymore and its mechanics have benn copied and improved too man times to count them. So it will naturally look and feel dated. If you haven't played it before, you won't have too much fun. It's a nice nostalgia trip, but nothing more. Oh, and to be clear, I haven't watched any of the videos in the OP. It's just what I think.

My biggest issue with the Re-release of Shenmue 1+2 is that they didn't bring it to the Switch though. Seriously, I would have bought that shit in a heartbeat! But for PS4? Nah.

I watched Jim's video and what I could take away from it was that it basically is a prototype for better games like Yakuza and that it has a few gameplay flaws such as waiting times between missions. Basically he's saying that it could've been better and that it absolutely does not hold up to today standards. Nothing that warrants some kind of reaction video.

Then again, he got completely flamed and disregarded for giving a flawed game a 7/10. People gonna be peopleing.

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