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JWeinCom said:
GhaudePhaede010 said:

Upon my last deep investigation, the statistical probability of God existing is 67%.


While this is obviously ever changing, I have no idea why anyone would think there is a stronger chance there is no God. Especially considering we are on a video game forum... ...a place which basically gives light, understanding, and reverence to the process, in a microcosm, of how God would actually work.

Bayesian analysis is kind of wonky.  It has its uses, but existential claims are not one of them.  Basically you are allowed to plug in whatever variables you want into the premises and assign whatever likelyhood you want to them.  (For example I could say the existence of smores is 1,000 times more likely if god exists).  

There's no real hard data behind it, so whatever answer you get is subjective.  Everyone will get a different outcome.

Well of course it is a little, "wonky" because it is statistics. I mean, no statistic is proven fact, just a chance against odds. So, I am not preaching there is a God based on my last research. I am explaining why I believe there is a God and using statistics is one of those reasons. It may be the main one, but still, I have a belief and I have a reason to believe. However, we are on a video game website speaking about a Creator and the, "irony"  that people would deny a Creator on a site based around the exact way a Creator works is not lost on me. Sometimes we deny even though the reasoning and logic may be literally right in front of our face.

Last edited by GhaudePhaede010 - on 24 August 2018

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