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estebxx said:
JWeinCom said:

Do you care if what you believe is true?

I wanna believe it's true.

Is it true? I don't know but i want too believe in it, thats what faith is.

If you don't care about truth that's certainly your right.  I don't think it's a particularly good way to go about things.

Kalkano said:
JWeinCom said:

the Bible specifically allows slavery and instructs to take slaves from the heathens around you.  Christian theology does support slavery.  That doesn't mean all christians do, but if they oppose it it is not because of the teachings of the Bible.

You don't understand what you're talking about.  The only slavery the Bible talks about is not the same type of slavery that is ingrained into our brains (because it was the most recent).  It is not the same as what we did to African Americans a couple hundred years ago.  "Slavery" in the Bible is not even close to the same thing.

Have you ever seen a TV Show/Movie where people go out to eat, and when it comes time to pay, they realize they don't have any money?  Sometimes they dine and dash.  Other times, they work it off.  They may go in the back and wash dishes for a while until the debt is paid.  THAT'S the "slavery" in the Bible.  It is a repayment of debt.  It is NOT forced ownership and "we can do whatever the hell we want to you, because you're inferior".

What you are referring to are the rules for owning Hebrews as slaves.  From Deuteronomy,

“If your brother, a Hebrew man or a Hebrew woman, is sold to you, he shall serve you six years, and in the seventh year you shall let him go free from you. And when you let him go free from you, you shall not let him go empty-handed. You shall furnish him liberally out of your flock, out of your threshing floor, and out of your winepress. As the Lord your God has blessed you, you shall give to him. You shall remember that you were a slave in the land of Egypt, and the Lord your God redeemed you; therefore I command you this today."

Then, there are separate laws for owning non-jews.

From Leviticus,

"As for your male and female slaves whom you may have: you may buy male and female slaves from among the nations that are around you. You may also buy from among the strangers who sojourn with you and their clans that are with you, who have been born in your land, and they may be your property. You may bequeath them to your sons after you to inherit as a possession forever. You may make slaves of them, but over your brothers the people of Israel you shall not rule, one over another ruthlessly."

These are people who do not owe any debt to the owner (they are bought from strangers).   They are property that can be passed down and are too be owned forever.  

Oh, and you're allowed to beat them, as long as they don't die immediately.
From Exodus,
“When a man strikes his slave, male or female, with a rod and the slave dies under his hand, he shall be avenged. But if the slave survives a day or two, he is not to be avenged, for the slave is his money."

If you are suggesting this is just like "whoops I left my wallet at home, how about I do the dishes" you were either ignorant of what the Bible said, or lying.