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Those who believe, proclaim physical characteristics to God (Gods) . Not only do they depict God in appearance but they also go as far as to proclaim God's intentions and overall perspective or orientation if you will. Without ANY evidence whatsoever. What's even more remarkable is those who do not believe based on the very notion of lack of evidence, reference any and all religions they DON'T BELIEVE IN!

To me that makes absolutely no sense.

What they're really saying is they don't believe in YOUR God.

I for one, after years of personal conflict, have come to the conclusion that given all of what I CAN SEE there MUST be a creator. How did carbon make itself? How did it know it NEEDED to be carbon? Before the bang, what was surrounding those elements? It's a very substantial observation. How did elements know to separate from one another? Why isn't everything one big blob of existence? I could go on but I won't, I'll just say this.

Whether you believe or not, who are YOU to tell anyone what God('s) plans are for all of us? Who are WE to question or determine God's true intentions? I mean really, IF God exists do you really think God needs our approval for ANYTHING? I sincerely doubt so. I am alive. There is food that grows from the exact ground I came from.

If this as all at random, God, I should be so lucky.

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