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setsunatenshi said:
WolfpackN64 said:

1. I disagreed and shown why clearly enough.

2. Also shown why that isn't necessarily true

3. I have to dissapoint you, I'm a reborn Catholic

4. Necessary beings have no cause, that's the whole stick of the argument

5. If God didn't exist, he couldn't come into existence, since a necessary being that is a first cause is always prior to existence. Since God is prior to the universe and time, he is in the only position to be the first cause.

1. You may disagree, but it's still true for both cases. You may cover your ears and ignore it, but that's your prerogative. I showed why both premises are false and even if you want to question the first one, the sheer fact that you conceded time existing only as the universe exists, it clearly shows the universe has no cause. It's really not something you can argue, sorry.

2. No, you haven't. Why would you think that was the case? A cause requires time preceding the event. Please show me a causality without a unit of time before? It's both logically and scientifically impossible. If you can't grasp that concept then I'm sorry for that but it's you, not me.

3. I won't even get into how exactly you thought you could jump from a universe with a cause to believing there's a guy in Rome that is infallible, yet changes his mind all the time. You're still that because you've been persuaded by others (hence the victim of your sociological context). Pretty sure if you were born in Japan 1000 years ago you wouldn't reach the logical conclusion Catholicism was the right religion lol

4. You can't dictate necessity, you must demonstrate it. Only the universe is necessary in this argument (as it is has no cause and marks the beginning of time), nothing else. You don't cause that which needs no cause ;)

5. Assertion with no evidence. You're trying to define some deity into existence, not show evidence of it's existence. That argument will only convince an already believer. If you have no problem believing X (whatever god you believe) has no cause, why would you struggle to believe the universe has no cause? At least the universe we all know exists, your god is only inside your imagination as far as I'm concerned.

1&2. Brute-forcing the argument won't win you anything.

3. Maybe not, but does that matter? Circumstances vary for all of us.

4. Again, you can't just claim that

5. Did I ever assert this argument was deductive?