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WolfpackN64 said:
setsunatenshi said:

state the premise please and I will demonstrate why it's false. I don't want to put words in your mouth or assume you're going to present the same tired old argument I heard a million times

state the argument and I will point out every single logical fallacy.

I'm not going to make it easy for you, I'm curious which premise of the cosmological argument you found faulty since you stated it first.

interesting why you think you would make it "easy" for me by stating your own argument, but ok I'll humor you this time:

Whatever begins to exist has a cause;

The universe began to exist;


The universe has a cause.


I'm assuming this is your argument since you didn't want to state it for some weird reason (perhaps to move goalposts later on). 


1st premise stating that whatever begins to exist has a cause is not even true to the best of our knowledge. 


without even going to quantum physics where observations show particles popping into existence from non existence, you would have no basis to support the first claim that whatever begins to exist has a cause. 


another premise that needs some backing is the one claiming the universe began to exist. what can you show me to support that claim? as far as we know time is a property of the universe, if there was no time outside the universe, then by necessity the universe always was. it never "began to exist" 


is it enough for now? 


better state your own argument because this one is dead already