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I would sooner wonder if you have some sort of mental problem. Schizophrenia isn't always a permanent thing. Sometimes it just comes and goes. My brother had a much more serious case than what you're describing, but I would ask if you consider yourself to be a very intelligent person? The intelligent people are usually the most susceptible to mental illnesses.

I can't say whether or not getting treated is a good idea. My brother's experience was a miserable one. The meds did help suppress the symptoms, but here's the thing. Most people with schizophrenia detest taking the pills and regularly stop. And when they do, the withdrawal from the pills makes the schizophrenia worse.

I can't say how much the pills were responsible for the way my brother ended up before he died... But by the end, if he went off the pills he was downright scary. He came into my mother's room once holding a weight while she was sleeping. He just stared at her for awhile before leaving. When he was on the pills, by the end, he had the intelligence of a retarded person.

Before he began taking the pills, he complained a bit about seeing things, but he was a bloody genius and a very nice, if introverted kid.

What I'm trying to say is, I don't know if you need to start taking the pills, but if you start... DON'T STOP.... That's the one thing I would change in the way my brother's case was handled. You stop taking the pills, you go to the hospital the same day. No messing around.