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I do not believe in the supernatural. Nonetheless what you describe is genuinely creepy and if it is disturbing you it is important to get to the bottom of it. Something you could try is putting up surveillance equipment around your house and checking on it whenever you feel something it off, a lot this may make you feel better when you realize nothing is there.

From a psychological stand point, there are certain questions I would ask as well (you of course do not have mention the answers to these questions here as they are personal, but it is more for your own knowledge).

1. Are you well rested? Are you under stress? Do these episodes tend to occur when you are under stress?
2. Where you under the influence of drugs (recreational or medical) when you had these experiences? Even certain medical prescriptions that you may not suspect sometimes have adverse side effects that include hallucinations especially when combined with other drugs or alcohol.
3. Have you ever been in a state of psychosis?
4.Have you had family members with schizophrenia or episodes of psychosis?
5. Have you had seizures or do you suffer from epilepsy?
6. Have you ever tried to have lucid dreams?
7. Do you suffer from sleep paralysis?

Also, certain people (including myself) are simply uncomfortable being alone. This may result in us overanalyzing our environment, taking note of every shadow, every noise, every object that we otherwise would not pay that much attention to. In my experience this can be particularly bad at night when you are just waking up or falling asleep alone. Once I had the window in my room open during the night and I was already nervous because I was alone, I was not fully asleep but rather in a semi-dreaming state (essentially hypnagogia) and I dreamt (but it felt like I saw, because I was not fully asleep) that a figure resembling slender man was putting his foot through my window.

These are some interesting articles regarding what you may be experiencing: