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Azzanation said:

That's completely up to you. However you are still debating in this thread while I stopped awhile back. I agree our boats have definitely set sail in the opposite directions and same can be said with Azuren. My points still stand to me because opinions of gamers who argue simply because they don't like Xbox/Windows will obviously attract attention and those points to me will be taken as a grain of salt unless there is actual factual reasons as to why someone hates it, not assumptions of what happened in the medieval day. I look at these topics as a business move and benefits to those platforms, not because I simple hate this brand because of.. because.

Bottom line, this rumoured buyout seems to have attracted lovers and haters and it all comes down to the individual assumptions on what will happen under the buyout. I am not going to debate why you love or hate MS anymore as its clear your thoughts on it and its also obviously with the same old few in here also against the idea which isn't surprising at all, and lets not ignore those who simply don't care for the buyout and those who like the idea as well.

Yes, I *had* debated nearly a day ago, but that does not mean that I am to debate in this thread day in and day out till ti dies off. Just like someone replying to a comment on another site I made 4 years ago, does not always mean I am constantly debating within that comments section, not if I've left it since then.

Yeah, our boats do drift toward different paths, but I also do not accept said points, because I frankly disagree with them outright. Also you're now chalking opposite/opposing opinions and points towards "hating" on MS/Windows, which is not a good way to look at overall points. It also easily lends to civility being dropped because you were at the ready to label them as "haters" in the first place.

I'm not sure how why someone doesn't like a company has to change their opinion into one that's a fact, that alone doesn't make sense, since their disliking is their opinion, their take on things.

See, you opened up about civility, but now you're already treading passive aggressive style thinking by allocating anyone else who does not share your view into "wrong" and being a "hater", which is a very disingenuous road to go down. Also looking at it only from a business perspective is not entirely healthy either, but because we're consumers, looking at it from our own end isn't exactly unhealthy (because I know the mirror argument here will be used, so I'm nailing that down right now) due to the fact that we are the consumer, we are what provide them the means of money and the means to buy their product.

The rumour has attracted both without question, because one side sees a personal benefit to their platform, while the other sees a loss from their own end. it is no surprise as to why it's gotten love and hate.

No one will ever change the way I look at a insanely huge companies, because they are simply what they are, insanely huge and they want more. They aren't my best mate, they don't care what I want, they care what a number of people want in a given data chart, which is how all massive businesses end up operating with.

It's not surprising to see people not agreeing with your ideals either, because we do not share your mindset, we do not share your "ideal" world, because what is ideal for you is terrible for me.

Ignoring those that don't care don't put their word in to begin with. it's like saying we should pay attention to those that don't say or do anything. 

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"