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Wyrdness said:
areason said:

GSL vs the World is more like fun show matches then an actual tournament, the players are literary voted into the tournament. And Serral didn't swatt Stats, the series was close. Not taking anything away from his win, but Maru has been dominating the most competitive league in the world.

If protos fast expands it can't cheese, it can't even pressure Zerg. Protos can only pressure Zerg after it gets 3 adepts, and they'l be coming from 1 gate so it will take a while. Mate the 12 worker strat really hurts cheese, before you could 6 pool and your opponent wouldn't have even started a gateway or a barracks, now if you 12 pool and use your larva on lings right away, you're gonna reach their base and see a completed rax. 

If you first or 2nd expand you're not going to push before the 6-8 minute mark unless you're zerg, and your initial harass won't come before 4 minutes. You can say that shield batteries really created a lot of cheeses for Protos, but they're also costly. 


Serral has won all major WCS tournaments before going on to win GSL vs World.

With this you just effectively told me you don't play on ladder at all as Protoss cheese while throwing down an expo on ladder all the time especially in the PvZ match up most Zergs on ladder go pool first as result because shield battery cheeses are incredibly strong. What a Protoss does is they cheese or all in you and you have to respond and respect the attack and while they're attacking many will throw down a Nexus behind it and wall off and to further add to it they can recall what ever units they were attacking with to save them for later, this undermines the game's fundamentals because Protoss was designed so that they can play from a base down and the Terran and Zerg had to be a base up now they're even on bases given them an econ boost that's if often brought up in Bnet.

With 12 pool if you're just building lings to cheese then no wonder you don't get what is being said as the most common cheese from Zerg is the ravager rush which is another strong attack as they'll attack your depots and rax and the splash damage from the bile makes repairs problematic.

Mate the WCS circuit is region locked, he's the best foreigner. not the best in the world.

I play ladder, and you have no clue what you're talking about. If protos is cheesing then they are all inning, they will not have the money nor the intent to through down an expansion. The ravager rush is not a cheese, it's a rush which is significantly later then a ling all in. All you need is a banshee/void ray a siege tank or an immortal and you stop it. Shield batteries cost 150, you can't expand and cheese, it isn't possible economically. Just watch how Has plays, he cheeses every game, and he never expands when doing so because it isn't possible.