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bobobologna said:
Riachu said:
bobobologna said:
Riachu said:

I have very busy playing other games right now(MGS4 in particular), so I don't have the time to play a JRPG other than Lost Odyssey.

My point isn't that you should play Tales of the Abyss or Tales of Eternia. It's that IF Tales of Vesperia does seem interesting to you, wouldn't it be cheaper and easier to dish out $20-$30 for a used copy of an earlier Tales game, rather than $60 on Tales of Vesperia when it comes out? Especially for those that are new to the Tales series. It really amazes me that people can get so excited for a game series when it comes to their platform of choice, but have little interest in them outside of that platform. BTW, I'm not directing this claim at you, but at others...

I am not a 360 fanboy. I am geneuily interested in ToV since the Tales of series is suppose to be similar to Star Ocean in terms of battle system. The only reason I haven't played other games in the series is that I wasn't interested at the time. I couldn't play Abyss because FFXII came out at the same time.


Again, I think you are missing my point.

If I had a friend who expressed a lot of interest in Gears of War 2, I would tell them to buy and play Gears of War 1. It would be cheaper than spending $60 on a new Gears of War 2, and would give you an idea of the what the gameplay is all about. I really doubt that people who didn't like Gears of War 1 will enjoy Gears of War 2.

In the same way, if my friend expressed interest in Tales of Vesperia, I would tell him to try Tales of Symphonia/Legendia/Abyss first. Why spend $60 on a new game that you might end up hating? Instead, spend $20 on a used copy of an earlier game, and see if you enjoy that. This doesn't apply obviously to those without a PS2 or GC, but since you DO have a PS2, it's what I would recommend.

If my brother still has Gamefly,  I woun't have to pay money to play even Vesperia