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Azzanation said:

Azuren said:

 My answer was a factual reason why someone might be upset. The fact that you got defensive about it instead of saying, "I never thought about that, I don't consider it much of a detriment myself" pretty much ended the entire conversation before it started.


Rare being around doesn't mean closures didn't happen. You can make a big deal over it, but it's clearly an outlier and only a fool would continue to entertain the idea that it isn't.

Majority I see complaining about this buy out are simply not MS fans to begin with, in other words its no loss to MS because those so called complainers are not MS customers. What you are saying is still an assumption and means nothing to this thread and ill tell you why. Obsidian has more of a chance of shutting there own doors than MS closing them down after the purchase. Buying a Studio has a lot more benefits than being independent. They can get a budget and a source of cash flow, they can be monitored and given jobs instead of waiting on kickstarter or games to be green lighted, and they will have access to company equipment and engines like Azure Cloud, and also add Job and IP security. Obsidian is no threat to MS in any way which means this buy out is entirely focused on them making games for MS platforms.

Rare is living proof that MS can hold onto companies. MS wont close them down unless Obsidian really screw up and in which case, no one would probably care anymore. That's basically what happened to all the other closures. Except for Ensemble Studios which some of the employees were absorbed into MS.

You said they wont close Rare due to there pedigree and PR strategy so if what you are saying is factual than Obsidian having a good pedigree than there's nothing to worry about.  

Yes we are totally sure Lionhead decided to screw up big time to get closed and that Platinum suddenly became a bad developer so Scalebound was a no go. MS never interferes with creative process nor closes studios that could be improved or be free to make good games.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."