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starcraft said:
sc94597 said:

No, but Fire Emblem has about the same score as LO on GR. You 360s fans are too worried about the ps3 coming and taking the rpgs when you shoudl worry about the wii. Anyway I feel this is getting off topic so I am going to stop posting about this hear and make sure my posts are on topic.


I'm not worried about the Wii stealing JRPG's, I think its inevitable.  Its also the reason the PS3 will never usurp the Xbox 360's lead in HD JRPG's, even with FFXIII.  I don't think it will take any WRPG's of note though.


However, when all is said and done, even if its only based off FFXIII, JRPG sales on PS3 would be over 3X its 360 counterpart despite the 360 having multiple to sell. Personally, I don't really care much for WRPGs, so I only talk about stuff that concerns me!

 Also, the only tales game that ever sold >1mil is tales of symphonia on GC. Tales of the Abyss couldn't even make 600000 on the PS2 which had an almighty userbase. I really am not seeing why tales of vesperia is a big deal. It seems more like an exclusive for fanboys to wring each others, throats about rather than a game people really want to have. It seems like Tales of Symphonia 2 is the one that really matters since part 1 did that well on GC.

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