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NoCtiS_NoX said:

The_Liquid_Laser said:

So when someone says that Sony first party games are on a Nintendo level, it has to be qualified.  If you compare [Gamecube vs. PS2] or [Wii U vs. PS4], then you can say their third party libraries are comparable.  Because that is what actually happens when their first party libraries are comparable: Nintendo gets clobbered.  Sony third party is what matters most.  But in most cases: NES/SNES, Wii, Switch, and every single Nintendo handheld, that is where Nintendo first party really shines.  On those platforms their first party games sell like a big third party SKU.  They sell like a GTA or CoD (or better).  Sony first party is just not at this level.  Franchises like GTA or CoD or Pokemon or 2D Mario are just on a much higher level than anything Sony can make.

Don't get me wrong.  I think Sony makes good games.  I think their first party line-up has always been a lot stronger (as a whole) than Microsoft's first party line-up.  But in the same way Nintendo first party line-up is just much stronger than Sony's.  And that's ok, because the two have very different strategies toward selling hardware.

Don't include GTA. GTA V is a different beast not a lot games can touched it even Nintendo games. Look how that game is still selling up until now. Even without massive bundling that game is a freaking monster.
This was asked to you earlier which Nintendo games is matching that?

We are not talking about which is stronger or has the impact for it's hardware. We are talking about raw numbers recently. if you think UC4 sales is not on par with Majority of Nintendo's output  then you are not looking at the sales I posted. 

I am not comparing Nintendo vs. Rockstar.  I am comparing Nintendo vs. Sony.  Most of those 90m copies do not help the PS4.  I am asking "how much does GTA V actually help the PS4?"  I think that is a fair question.  I am also saying that Sony's first party games do not stack up to the best third party games, like GTA V, 
on their own platform.

GTA V has sold 18.2m on the PS4 (using VGC numbers).  That is a lot for a single platform.  It is far more than Uncharted 4, which is at 10m according to your first post.  It is also far above God of War, or Horizon Zero Dawn or PS4 version of The Last of Us.  GTA V is the PS4's flagship game.  

Now what about Nintendo?  Does Nintendo ever make games that can sell on this level on a single platform?  Yes, they do it quite frequently.  The 3DS has Pokemon X/Y 16.04m, a couple million shy of GTA V on PS4, but still far above any first party title on the PS4.  If we go back a generation, then we have quite a few games that sold extremely high: Mario Kart Wii (35.9m), Wii Sports Resort (32.9m), NSMB Wii (32.9m), Wii Fit (22.7m), NSMB DS (29.9m), Nintendogs (24.7), Mario Kart DS (23.3m), Brain Training (20.2m),  Pokemon DIamond/Pearl (18.3m).

And to be fair GTA V's best selling version was on the PS3 (20.3m).  I want to emphasize that I am not trying to criticize GTA V in any way.  It is a top tier game.  It is the best selling game on both PS3 and PS4.  No other game has helped these platforms as much as GTA V.  But when you break things down by single platform, then you see that Nintendo has made quite a few games on this same tier.  I would also put CoD Black Ops 3 (15.1m on PS4) in this top tier.  Top tier means they are the most important games for whatever platform they are on and that platform was successful (ideally the winner of the generation).  All the games I just listed are top tier.

Do you know what games are not top tier?  Sony first party games.  Sony's best game has hit 10m yet on the PS4, while all of these games I listed above have sold 15m+.  Sony first party games are good, but they are not top tier.  Sony's best selling first party game was Gran Tourismo 3 (15m on PS2).  Maybe it is top tier.  Not only has Nintendo made many games since then which have topped this amount, but Sony now struggles to even make a game that sells 10m.  Sony is just not on Nintendo's level.  Sony makes good games, but they don't make top tier games like GTA, or 2D Mario, or Pokemon, or CoD, or Mario Kart.

And it's ok for Sony to not make top tier games.  They rely on GTA and CoD to be their major tent poles.  That totally works for them and has made the PS4 very successful.  But Nintendo makes top tier games out of necessity.  When they don't make any top tier games they get results like the Gamecube or Wii U.  That is the way Nintendo has always sold their consoles.  Nintendo consoles always have their first party games be the major tent poles, with third party games supporting the library and filling in the gaps.  With Sony this is reversed.  Sony lets third parties make the biggest titles, and it uses its first party library give added support and fill in the gaps.  Sony's first party games are just not on the level of Nintendo's first party games, when you look at the successful consoles like 3DS or DS or Wii.  Because when they are on the same level you get a result like [PS2 vs. Gamecube] or [Wii U vs. PS4]. 

Last edited by The_Liquid_Laser - on 12 August 2018