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Alara317 said:
o_O.Q said:

There's so much here that's either baseless, straight out wrong, willfully ignorant of the issues at hand, or sorely misguided that I'd need an essay to explain how thoroughly incorrect you are on so many levels. 

Since I don't have 4 years and an ethics degree to shove in your face, I'll just say this: have some compassion, do better research, and cut it out with the attempts at power plays. You come across as heartless, petulant, and completely ignorant of the issues at play, here. 

"that's either baseless, straight out wrong, willfully ignorant"

the millions that have died in the middle east due to western intervention under the guise of "rights" is a fact and i find it deeply offensive that you're trying to pretend otherwise


"an ethics degree"

sounds like a massive waste of time, you'd be better off studying computer science


"have some compassion"

compassion that isn't tempered by reason is useless and very often destructive


"do better research"

this translates to "if you were better informed you would agree with me"


"cut it out with the attempts at power plays."

says the guy desperately trying to take the moral high ground... lmao


" You come across as heartless, petulant, and completely ignorant of the issues at play, here. "

i'm the one who cares that millions of people have died due to western interference, whereas you just want to sweep that under the rug and i come across as heartless and ignorant of these issues? lol ok