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I agree that this sentiment is foolhardy, but only because we have an incorrect focus when we talk about "dreams." The real thing people should do is follow what they are both good at enjoy. Then success shouldn't be so far off, because they will have the skill which they can nurture further through their enthusiasm.

I think happiness is an idea we can all strive for, so if anything (yes, even depressives can find ways through therapy and medication, etc), that's the dream we should be following. It will take work, and it might not be glamorous, but if we tap into what makes each of us special, whether we're really good at athletics or really good at cleaning, we can make a living out of it and enjoy the fruits of our labor.

But people have to reign in their expectations of those fruits just like they should be realistic about their "dreams." It takes work, and not everyone will be a millionaire dating models, so if we learn to be content with less, happiness isn't out of the question.

Okay, done be Confucius.