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It doesn't sell where I'm at so I don't know anyone who has it yet, and from the people I've talked to that own a Wii I don't know anyone getting it..


I've read a lot about it from this site over the past few months and just failed to understand why fans of the Wii were so excited about this game... It's not anything against the game, I mean if you want to play it have fun.. But I just missed the reason people believe this is going to be such a big seller. I would have thought in America that the fitness part would make it fly off shelves myself, but it hasn't. So what am I missing? Honestly, who has it and plays it to the point where they can recommend this game, and if so why?

If perferring the PS3 over the 360 makes me a fanboy.. I guess I am guilty..

List of 360 Games I would like to have: Alan Wake

List of PS3 Games I would like to have: LBP, FFXIII(if it ever comes), R2(maybe)

List of Wii Games I would like to have: Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (It's not an exclusive but it would be awesome)