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Ubisoft explains the RPG mechanics in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey
Ubisoft has released a new behind the scenes video for Assassin’s Creed Odyssey in which it explains the game’s RPG mechanics. In this first episode of the new ‘behind the scenes’ video series, Ubisoft’s developers discuss how the player’s choices make big changes that determine how your Odyssey is written. Naturally, this video also packs some new gameplay footage from the game.


I have to be honest here, it's hilarious to me what passes as RPG these days, but hey - there's not one genre that didn't got terribly diluted when it hit that mass market AAA appeal.
That said, I didn't like any AC after the first one (played II, half of Black Flag and maybe one third of Origins), I kinda doubt this one will be much better, though it seems that Odyssey  improves thing or two on Origins.