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PSintend0 said:
Trump might not be directly Putins puppet, but that doesn´t change the fact that Trump is weakening USA and EU, creating chaos and making pretty much everything that Russia wants to happen. This should be clear to anyone that has paid even the slightest attention to global politics. Putins plans are working and its a bit scary to see what happens in the future.

You know nothing about Putin's actual plans or what "Russia" wants to happen, Just like you don't know the actual plans of Trump or even the head of government of your own country. Chances are you've simply been exposed to propaganda that successfully tried to spread those narratives.

PSintend0 said:
With all the fear of Russia and communism, that USA used to have, its strange that many completely deny that Russia influenced the presidential election. They did it, believing is not about left or right, its a fact that Russia did it, there is no way around that. How much did they influence, thats another thing. But still its weird that USA seem to be okay with Russia meddling in its elections :/

Every country that has capabilities and incentives to influence foreign elections to their favor will try to do so. The US is actually the worst in this respect, no other country is so heavily trying to influence foreign elections than the US. It's been like that for decades, but it's not because the US is more evil than the other countries, it's just because they have an incentive and the means to do so.

Your country, my country, pretty much every country tries to somehow influence the US presidential elections. Because every country has an incentive to do so, for the US is (still) the most powerful country and their foreign policies have strong implications on almost all other countries. If you seriously object to that, you're simply naive.

The true reason behind all that "russia influenced the US election"-nonsense is simply that most european countries clearly preferred Clinton and tried to make her win, but miserably failed. The very same people who now so strongly try to spread the belief that russia rigged the election would ridicule the very same belief if things had turned out the other way: if Clinton had won and Trump had claimed that the election was rigged.